You likely already know that, in the event of a dental emergency, you should not hesitate to contact your dentist’s office. But not all dental problems present with severe pain or discomfort that warrants this instinct. Sometimes more minor issues in your smile seem tolerable but may need prompt dental treatment.
So if you notice changes in your smile, you do not have to wait until your next routine dentist appointment. Call your dentist about any questions or concerns with your oral health. Read on to find three seemingly small problems in your dental health that could require urgent attention from your dentist.
Do Not Ignore Minor Dental Concerns
Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity refers to a type of pain in your tooth that may feel excruciating at the point of contact with a stimulus. But it will fade quickly. Because the pain feels intermittent, you might not think it needs prompt dental treatment.
But tooth sensitivity can often present as a symptom of a larger dental problem. It occurs when you sustain damage to your enamel, the outer layer of your tooth. This exposes the underlying nerves which generate sensitivity pain when stimulated by foods or drinks.
While this can occur due to gradual erosion, tooth sensitivity can also happen because of cavities. Without prompt treatment of this early form of tooth decay, the decay will spread, creating severe harm to your tooth that may lead to its necessary removal.
Protect your smile by letting your dentist know promptly about tooth sensitivity pain. They can diagnose the cause of this symptom and provide the appropriate treatment to relieve this pain and restore your dental health.
Bleeding in the Gums
Bleeding in the gums can occur for acute reasons, such as an injury or harsh teeth brushing. But if gums bleed persistently or without a known reason, you might have gum disease. This infection of the gum tissue will spread without urgent periodontal therapy from your dentist.
Advanced gum disease can lead to tooth loss and many other severe forms of dental damage. So do not ignore chronic bleeding in your gums. Gum disease is treated more easily when caught early. Gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease, can also present with swelling or soreness in the gum tissue.
Chronic Halitosis
Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can affect the best of us after a strong-flavored meal. But you can often resolve this issue by completing your oral hygiene routine, scrubbing away the offending lingering food particles.
If the bad breath becomes chronic or does not resolve after brushing your teeth, it might be a symptom of a more severe problem. Halitosis is connected to several health issues. And it may happen if you have advanced gum disease or tooth decay.
Consult a dentist about persistent bad breath to find the best way to treat this problem. Not only can this odor be inconvenient and embarrassing, but it may lead to major dental damage without help from your dentist.